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Monday, 25 June 2012

Alpine Phantoms

Available for pre-order on Dark Windows Press. I have little piece in here, and I'm eager to see the full book.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


Pulco on Folkwit Records

Truly he is the man of lists.

What Ash does is very interesting. He takes pieces of sounds and songs and treats them in his own lo fi way, making something that's unique. I've never heard anyone work quite like him in the way he makes other's music his own. And so lo fi in the way he treats it. I'm not very good at writing about music but I know what I like.

Monday, 4 June 2012


More pictures by Xuan Tran of my show which was at the Cockpit Theatre last night as a scratch performance.

Thanks to all my dear friends who came, Paul Wady, Denise Heinrich-Lane, Sarah Clarke, Xuan, Daniel Lehan, Sean Bruno, Nancy and her friend Jeremy and to Paul for videoing the performance.

Many thanks to Natalie as well for hosting. And to the technical guy - Chris? - for doing some beautiful lighting.

The evening is called Theatre in the Pound and it is an evening of scratch performances by various artists - only costs a pound and you get feedback on your production.


Premiering my new one woman show about folk music at the Cockpit Theatre on 4th June
Photos by my wonderful friend Xuan Tran

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Jude and Daniel at Spoonful of Poison

photo by Maria Slovakova
I adore Maria
I adore her artwork
I love this picture
Hello Daniel I look down from on high
My legs look like tree trunks
He looks up
As if he is reading from a huge book
We are children
playing on stage
The lights above like glow-worms
We are fairies in a cave
I sing about caterpillars
And I can no longer touch the ground
Then the bell
Our fifteen minutes are over

Jude and John Sage of Blackdoghat at Folkwit gig

Jude and Matt at the Folkwit gig

picture by Deborah Millstein

Misa (and me) at the printmakers private view at the New Gallery, Camberwell

Jude and Matt at Folkwit gig

picture thanks to John Sage of Blackdoghat

The Little Ones are Here!