She went to Clerkenwell Parochial, it's a really old primary school. Charles Dickens used to visit there to talk to the children.
It was a church school and the church attached to it was the Holy Redeemer, a really, really REALLY High Church - we had parades with all the old Italian-London floats and statues etc.
Father Paul, who wears one of those round topped wide brimmed black hats still is the vicar there.
I now rehearse in the church with my choir, the Collegium Musicum of London. What a coincidence you may think?
That's Sophie, our cat sprawled on the floor. She had only the use of three legs since an accident on Broadford Road in Ladybridge, back in Bolton, when she was staying at my mum's. That road was really dangerous for cats, the cars used to fly round.

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