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Saturday, 31 July 2010

Pen Pusher

A poem from my first and forthcoming collection appears in the new Pen Pusher magazine.


  1. Jude, I read the Jorg Haider poem. I don't know about the Christopher Smart reference, but I found it a good taster for your forthcoming collection!! Keep us all informed!!

  2. This is wonderful!

    Christopher Smart's cat Jeoffry was a praiseworthy individual because he followed his (god-given) nature perfectly, even in the gaol/madhouse. Georg Haider is certainly not someone I would think of as praiseworthy, but I can see how some of his supporters would feel that way. Personally, I would rather have known Jeoffry.

    I love the way you use "for" in two or three different ways.

    Also, it's interesting that Haider had cats in the bag that weren't let out but somehow got out and continued loyal and alive. A cat in the bag was probably a stand-in for a (valuable) pig. If the cat isn't let out of the bag, it may continue to fool people, but what if the cat sneaks out on its own? Is the bag empty or full now?
    (I took the liberty of cross-posting this comment from MySpace. I hope you don't mind)
