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Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The poet that fell in the bog on the way to the lighthouse but kept his cool


  1. Tony was a real hero, keeping smiling through this, and making our day - he drove the car too - what a super kind man he is

  2. Ah - he does sound nice (except when he sings - unlike you!!) that is a compliment if you read it carefully, LOL....!!

  3. he was kind that guy and even laughed when he ended up explaining to the girl at dunne's just o/s Cork City what happened when he bought a replacement pair of shoes! lol

  4. oh I'm glad he didn't have to drive home in the bog-juice slip-ons

  5. Tony did your legs sting, I heard that the juice is infamous for making your skin itch ...

  6. No, Jude, as long as the footwear is expendable or bogproof, i would recommend it - it didn't itch but was quite comforting and warm. A bit slippery, though - best not combined with climbing up and down rocks!!
